Thursday 3 January 2013

Jack Whitehall, confused police and old people

The news has been alight today with all manner of stories, with the practically unanimous complaints about the rise of train fares finally subsiding (I had a return already so I've got the shout of astonishment to come when I find out how expensive my regular journey will become) as weary commuters resign themselves to the inevitable that they have to spend more money to get to work to earn money to pay for getting to work to earn money in the first place. I still can't understand how I can get to London return - granted on a coach - for £21.50 whereas it costs me £16 to get to York. How is that sensible?

With trains still being unreliable and over-crowded we still need to get some evidence that the money paid is improving the rail network, that doesn't involve spending millions of pounds on a high-speed rail link that knocks - whoopdedo - a whole twenty minutes off a journey.

(To be honest I'd be happier them spending the money on a large taser so everytime some chav with a pair of metal cutters and a deathwish steals the copper from Micklefield and causing delays they can get a nasty shock from the Fat Controller with an S&M addiction.)

Elsewhere in the news we get "Blue Christmas lights cause 'difficulties' for police helicopters" so criminals no longer have to be great at hide and seek, just need to find a willing accomplice with a portable generator and Wilkinsons' finest Christmas lights. I'm looking forward to the Christmas special of 'Police, Camera, Action' where a policeman curses the festive season for keeping Burglar Bill on the streets. Imagine how annoyed Santa must be when looking for chimneys.

"Adam spends his last £500 on billboard begging for work" reveals the Sun ( showing Adam Pacitti's great billboard asking for a job. Either that or he just has a big ego. I'd like to do a similar thing but I can't afford a huge billboard. I've bought a sandwich board and an airhorn instead. I wonder if the Sun will cover me doing that like a walking vuvuzela?

In more serious news "'Target winter fuel benefit to pay for elderly care'" ( was a topic not out of the news today at all. There's been a lot of criticism of the proposal but I, to a point, agree with that. For 99% of the people in the country they should still get the winter fuel allowance. But if, as a pensioner, you have a massive pension or loads of money saved up, it's cheeky to apply for that. The mooney could be, as suggested, used for better care home care for the elderly. (Though if Cameron / Clegg got their fingers out and started chasing up all the multinationals dodging tax, maybe we wouldn't be even having this conversation!)

Also revealed today was that 2012 was the second wettest year ever since records began, only stopped beating 2000 by Scotland having milder weather than England for a nice change. No wonder the econmy is in such a state as we've all spent our money saved for a raining day.

In entertainment "Television Awards refute claims Jack Whitehall is under pressure to stand down amid Big Quiz of the Year controversy" ( in possibly the most ridiculous story of the day. A comedian is told off for making a joke that, whilst possibly a little distasteful, is no worse than have ever been on any of these shows and was in context. People need to lighten up and not take things so seriously and I hope it doesn't impact on Jack Whitehall's promising career. If anything, the sue should be controversial as it was completely unfunny. A show I was looking forward to seeing it, I hadn't laughed once in the first half hour. Thankfully Charlie Brooker's summary of the year didn't disappoint.

And, finally, "Jim Davidson To Miss Celebrity Big Brother". Lucky git.

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